Share this postThe Tactical NotebookArticles about Anti-Tank Units and TacticsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreArticles about Anti-Tank Units and TacticsAggregatorBruce Ivar GudmundssonDec 18, 20239Share this postThe Tactical NotebookArticles about Anti-Tank Units and TacticsCopy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreShareThis page provides links to articles about anti-tank units.Anti-Tank Aces (May 1943)Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·February 4, 2024Read full storyCounter ConcentrationBruce Ivar Gudmundsson·January 8, 2023Read full storyInfantry Anti-Tank Guns of the 16th Infantry DivisionBruce Ivar Gudmundsson·January 19, 2023Read full storyAnti-Tank Battalions of Quick Divisions Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·March 14, 2023Read full storyThe Anti-Tank Company of the US Army Infantry Regiment (October 1940)May 29, 2023Read full storyThe Anti-Tank Company of the US Army Infantry Regiment (April 1942) June 24, 2023Read full storyThe Weapons Company of the Marine Infantry Regiment of 28 March 1941 July 12, 2023Read full storyJFC Fuller and the 90th Light DivisionBruce I. Gudmundsson·December 17, 2022Read full storyDepicting Anti-Tank GunsBruce Ivar Gudmundsson·January 14, 2023Read full storyThe Hornet (I)Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·March 18, 2023Read full storyThe Hornet (II)Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·March 19, 2023Read full storyThe Hornet (III)Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·March 23, 2023Read full storyThe Hornet (IV)Bruce Ivar Gudmundsson·March 24, 2023Read full storyThe 78th Assault DivisionBruce Ivar Gudmundsson·December 18, 2023Read full storyShare The Tactical NotebookSubscribeShare