Per FM 3-90, dated 01 May 2023: Reconnaissance pull is reconnaissance that determines which routes are suitable for maneuver, where the enemy is strong and weak, and where gaps exist, thus pulling the main body toward and along the path of least resistance. This facilitates the commander’s initiative and agility. Reconnaissance assets initially work over a broad area to develop the enemy situation.

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The best stories of reconnaissance pull I’ve found are 62d/8th Guards Army* from 1944 - as the Reconnaissance tipped the Germans to reinforce the follow on attack happened within 1-2 hours, commanders and artillery officers forward, obviously assault echelons as well. Mind you at the Bug river they prepped the reconnaissance-pull-assault with very intense concentration of artillery. Reconnaissance in Force pull right into assault.

It worked repeatedly. The Germans couldn’t react in time, even the defense in depth was essentially penetrated and flanked before they could react.

*“The Fall of the 3D Reich” Vasily Chuikov.

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The future of Recon pull from the Squad to Division level will be partially from the employment of reconnaissance drones. They will provide the picture on the ground to the maneuver forces and pull in the artillery spotter/FO drones. Recon drones will also inform helo borne forces on the routes of ingress and egress. The key will be the speed of feedback and ability to apply the OODA loop.

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