Thank you. A clean comments section is a welcome respite from the usual internet style.

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Bravo Zulu, as the matelots say.

Incivility is everywhere these days. I recently left a forum where I'd been a paid subscriber for over a decade due to the arrival of a number of rude and aggressive commenter.

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I totally believe in censorship.

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Please note that, in enforcing standards for comments posted to this blog, I am not, in any way, endorsing the establishment of a platform-wide regime of censorship. Indeed, I suspect that, should Substack adopt such a program, The Tactical Notebook would be among its first victims.

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There is no such thing as free speech. Be it Substack or the individuals right and ability to remove comments. I love what you do and you are seriously one of my favorite writers. Well researched and well written. But until there is 100% free speech why should we live under that illusion on Substack? You shouldn’t be able to write about how much you like molesting children, raping women, or the vulgar use of the N word. You should not be allowed to recruit Nazis and KKK on Substack either. There is no actual Free speech. But don’t take me as hateful toward you. I am a huge fan of open discourse on these subjects. It’s how the West was won.

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