"What should Marines learn from this modern war?"...

Don't get involved in one!

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Oct 14, 2023
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What the double heck is this? Russia is the good guy? Really? From someone whose nation suffered immensely due to Russia, I wish whomever wrote and supports the above to actually go live in Russia, if they like is so much.

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Jan 1, 2024
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Wow, you know so many cool words. And you know how to use the caps-lock key, amazing!

Your new years must have been awesome, if you feel this great on the first day of the new year.

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Jan 1, 2024
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Thank you for this entertaining insight into the mind of people who fell for weird conspiracy theories. I must be a pretty terrifying situation.

P.S.: You have absolutely no idea what I actually get along with or what not. Missed 100%.

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Well, so much for FD2030. This break down was fantastically helpful! “Old thinking meets new thinking” and the realities thereof in the current battle space in Ukraine. “If you can be seen, you can be hit, if you are hit you will be killed” General Dupuy US Army TRADOC circa 1974/75. Old meets new and let’s put a regiment of Marines in the static defense on small pacific islands where everyone can “see them” give them high tech fire crackers to aim at...who of course would never fire upon the Marines preemptively....after all that wouldn’t fair....etc etc etc.

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Good to know if there are any items that could improve the concept of island defense. Other than more missiles and drones...

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Looks like the world is rolling back to Great War tech.

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Everything old is new again!

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Lessons only on ground combat is well and all but if you can't supply those lads on the ground it don't matter how effective they are on paper.

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I agree with COL Johnson, the ideology of the Offensive* must end.

The Defense is presently the stronger form of war.

Further; you have to let the troops acclimate to the shock of combat. Defense and patrols allow this, big arrows with green troops is madness.

* and someone for Gods sake find a way to tell the infantry it is not necessary to close and walk on every objective. If you haven’t taken casualties before, you will and WHAT is there that justifies this? If necessary YES.

It’s not even ideology, it’s a Cult.

It’s Dogmatic, it’s the Koran.

It’s like offering a Muslim Pork.

> there’s another way to explain this... but if you’re dead the lesson is lost.

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"Half of Ukrainian drone losses are now due to jamming of GPS (Global Positioning System) signals."

Time to develop newer, ultralight, disposable inertial nav.

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A lot of good stuff here. And many parts scary too: "Modern fires networks can see, strike, and destroy in 60 seconds."

I don't think readjustment of tactics and strategy can easily happen via just watching another country's war. I suspect some lessons will be learned, but not until the first 6 months of the next war, will an army actually adjust to the new reality.

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You neglected one aspect that’s been haunting the Ukrainians, particularly since they sent their best mobile brigades to Kursk:

Entrenched defenses are vulnerable to double salient enfilade if there is no capable mechanized quick reaction force available to cut the salients.

This has happened over and over. The Ukrainian units in Donbas are well-trained defenders, but they’re not assault forces. When their positions get compromised by Russians getting fire control over their logistics routes, they get worn down and then have to withdraw at night under threat of drones and artillery as they move in the open. That’s when the mass casualties occur.

The Ukrainians have had to abandon a lot of intensively built-up defensive positions due to getting caught in a cauldron, as the Russians refer to the technique.

Tanks as a mobile counter-assault force is a key use case for that platform.

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Did USMC buy into Nett Warrior, where every squad is constantly emitting in a uniquely identifiable as military target way?

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