Playing strategy games is my entire experience, and assuming that I read the map right - the enemy attacks on the road from Agla to "Village":

- it's likely that the tanks will move on the roads (I guess), so need to establish some chokepoints along the east-west road; it's unclear how to actually damage the tanks

- the mention of the ridge means that's probably where the mortar company should be placed; can the 81mm mortars destroy or at least heavily damage tanks? (I guess so)

- I would assume that enemy infantry might try to cross the freezing lake as well, so I would distribute one battalion (3 rifle companies) to protect against that

- another battalion moved forward to about where the roads interesect upper/lower Tolva, arranged so that they act as early warning and in a way to allow fast fallback

- keep the 3rd battalion of regiment 16 and the remains of Task Force Räsänen in reserve

And thus begins alternate history where Finland loses fast 😅 My concern is that likely the enemy will attack not where expected, with the only clear "goal" being the ridge which seems to dominate the road and lakes.

In a computer game, one would have many more scout units very early ahead, to allow fast redeployment of reserved to counteract the (so far) unknown enemy. I don't think that works in real life, though.

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A good deal depends on how fast the 16th Infantry Regiment can move into position.

First, request anti aircraft and anti tank support as well as additional artillery units. Second, order the troops on hand to do the following:

1. The bicycle battalion (-) and one of the mountain cannons will establish a blocking position in and around Tolva Village, Lake Tolva and to the south of the lake IOT defeat Soviet forces and prevent them from moving further west.

2. The remaining company from the bicycle battalion will establish a defensive position on the ridge to the north to interdict the northern part of the lake, areas to the north of the lake in and around Hirvas and protect the artillery battery (-). The battery (-) will establish themselves on the west side of the ridge and position observers as far forward as communications permit to attack Soviet forces and interdict the road from the east.

3. The separate infantry company will detach one platoon as a reserve and position itself in Tolva, with planning priorities of attacking to defeat and Soviet penetration of the blocking position along the road or forces attempt to bypass Tolva. The company (-) will form reinforced squad sized patrols IOT defeat Soviet infiltration and flank attacks by ambushing them as far forward as practicable.

4. Order the remaining elements of the Task Force to conduct raids and ambushes of Soviet units, particularly logistical support units or convoys (fuel, ammunition and food), and HQ units. These will have to be as aggressive as possible IOT disrupt Soviet forces rapidly. Nighttime and twilight attacks are preferred given the imbalance in forces and Soviet air power. Units will establish concealed rest areas to allow units to rest, recuperate and resupply. Find or fabricate skis to assist with movement in snowy conditions.

Once the 16th Infantry Regiment arrives and assuming the Soviets have not penetrated the Tolva area, one battalion and the regimental mortar battery will reinforce the blocking positions in and around Tolva Village, Hirva Village and to the south, while the other battalions form additional patrols to attack Soviet forces as previously described. The Regimental HQ and logistics units will position themselves in and around Tolva Village to provide support and resupply. As soon as possible, resupply any units operating to the east as well. Once the lakes freeze solid, things get more complicated, but if the snow deepens, wheeled vehicles and dismounted infantry will be road bound, whereas ski troops will not.

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