“commander of the enlarged company is to produce a really good result, he must no longer be treated like a child.”

Only truly noble middle aged men can endure the terrors of letting younger and junior men make decisions. Fighting and danger are fine, decisions have career consequences.

Typically during deployments the Company Commander’s powers of administration, promotion, Article 15, UCMJ and even tactical matters and combat are pulled up 2 or more echelons. This is done for careerist motives by those who can smell a star, or another star. Yes acutely in war, war is the Supreme OER, and we can’t let those young bunglers screw up the career path.

At GOFO there are no OERs, there are however boards, meaning Lockheed and Boeing, L3, Halliburton.

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"Under existing regulations, majors...are not trusted to appoint a private to lance-corporal, or even to reduce an inefficient lance-corporal to the ranks. We must therefore, postulate for increased powers of reward and punishment if our majors and captains are to command and train companies of 220 men."

I begin to comprehend what changes are actually being argued for. Eight essentially independent companies in which everything is micromanaged by officers/NCOs who don't have any real authority and are often called away by other duties, vs. four companies and an expanded HQ allowing for clearer delegation of responsibility and more consistency in post, but also more C2 capacity for the centre. Gotcha.

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