One good Funker is worth a batch of Junkers?

More seriously, good radio operators are worth a considerable amount, especially when speed, accuracy and clarity of communications are required (which just about always?). One of the things I watched change over time with respect to US Army Tables of Organization, was the shift from Single Channel Radio Operators (a trained communications MOS) to whatever the predominant MOS was in the unit as the Battalion Commander’s and Battalion Executive Officer’s drivers. It made a difference, especially initially.

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It wasn’t a good difference-

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Not in my experience, but then I was my own driver and RTO for much of my career (any mistakes made were likely due to my efforts 🤣).

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The problem is over time maintenance and skill at use went into the toilet.

In 1981 the Signal Corps was the largest branch, now I get it on reforms... but the tooth (fighters) vs Tail (logistics) went WAY too far. Operator maintenance is ...

... largely delusional. Let them clean all they wish, no amount of hard work or diligence can make up for lack of expertise. It takes years, not hours. Decades. Making a good repairman or tech (I’m a civilian network tech) is years, decades. The Reorg went way too far into the logistics and support , ask Stalin how that worked out in 41.

*also due to up or out we end up with large Operations Combat Arms staffs, ginormous. What was the point?

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