“Thus, by 1 July of 1942, when Headquarters Marine Corps gave its blessing to the third revision of the D-series establishments, the .60 caliber anti-tank rifle had been banished to the realm of particularly challenging pub quizzes.” 😂
Heffalump rifles then. As fabulous as the beasts they defended against. More seriously, this is probably why the bazooka was such a welcome innovation (thank you Dr. Robert Goddard!).
“Thus, by 1 July of 1942, when Headquarters Marine Corps gave its blessing to the third revision of the D-series establishments, the .60 caliber anti-tank rifle had been banished to the realm of particularly challenging pub quizzes.” 😂
Heffalump rifles then. As fabulous as the beasts they defended against. More seriously, this is probably why the bazooka was such a welcome innovation (thank you Dr. Robert Goddard!).