I applaud 'néoconnerie.' One of yours?

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Thank you.

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"C'est moi! C'est moi! I proudly reply."

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I hope the Broadway cast recording isn't authoritative, because if it is you missed an ellipsis (not to mention committing a mortal sin, but that may have been deliberate in any case): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FtB4Zi1EJJU/

In other news I sent an email to the wargaming group a while ago and have yet to hear back; am I on a waitlist?

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You caught me there. Rather than quoting Bob Goulet, I recited a bit of an old Republican drinking song. As for the Decision Game Club, I found your message. You are now on the mailing list.

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The neologism néoconnerie made me chuckle.

It made me imagine a satirical character, one who could serve as the embodiment of the then-nascent tendency, who might appear in a fictionalized memoir of the era: Col. Irving "Knee" O'Connery, who stubbornly believed that requiring Marines to remove protective eyewear and look the local savages firmly but benignly in the eye would win their hearts and minds, thereby rapidly giving rise to Constitutional government and postliberal social practices which would be the envy or any medium sized municipality in, say, Connecticut, thereby, in a small way, closing the Gap decried and described by Barnett, and confirming the arrival of the terminal point of history as predicted by Fukuyama, if not Hegel himself.

Marital discord over expensive books is a phenomenon I have encountered in the wild, but I have emerged the better for it, and I believe I have won a war of exhaustion after these more than three decades.

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