This is the eighth post in a series. If you have not done so already, you will probably want to start at the beginning, with the post called Platoon (Background.)

You deploy your platoon as skirmishers, and lead them towards the northeast, looking for places where elements of the 160th Infantry Regiment are engaged with German forces.
When you reach the crossroads, you halt your platoon and move forward to take a look at the ground in front of you.
As you move down the northern slope of the plateau, you hear, and feel, the detonation of high explosive artillery rounds.
You hit the deck. When the firing stops, you realize that you have not been hit. You also conclude that the shells fell between your position and the place where you left your platoon.
The German artillery stops firing.Â
What do you do?
The series continues with Platoon (Problem IX), which will begin with the historical solution to this problem.
Check on the platoon!