Milstack Saturday (11 January 2025)
The best articles on military subjects I read (or watched) in the past week
In ‘The ‘Thucydides Trap’ Trap’, Secretary of Defense Rock deflates the pet canard of the grand strategy set and, in particular, the most recent book-length product of the pen of Graham Allison.
In ‘The Fighting Company Beat-Up’, The Connecting File provides us with a delightfully detailed description of the training program(me) followed by a Commando company of the Royal Marines.
In ‘The Rise and Fall of Ukraine’s French-Trained Brigade’, History Legends does a deep dive into the recent history of a single formation.
In ‘One Million Suicide Drones with Chinese Characteristics’, War Quants does the math on the implications of the use of 106 one-way attack (OWA) drones.
Did I miss anything? Please use the comments section to post links to recently published articles that might interest readers of The Tactical Notebook.
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>How to make a microwave gun for entertainment purposes only… such as the zombie apocalypse or WWIII 👀