In keeping with the motto “everything old is new again,” The Tactical Notebook combines more than six hundred explorations of unsung aspects of recent military history with attempts to make sense of ongoing conflicts, reviews of books and podcasts, and decision-forcing case studies. So, if you are blessed with an abiding interest in “the armies that are, the armies that were, and the armies that might have been,” you have come to the right place.
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The Tactical Notebook provides readers with content that differs considerably from that found in the many fine books, magazines, and websites dealing with martial matters that are readily available to English-speaking readers. To put things another way, rather than offering yet another look at the battle of Gettysburg, The Tactical Notebook covers such subjects as lessons learned in of the Franco-Turkish War of 1918-1921 and the plans, made in 1941, for the infantry regiments of the post-war German Army.
The Tactical Notebook tells these tales in way that respects your intelligence. Thus, rather than describing all weapons as “devastating” and all fire as “withering,” our authors use clear, understated language to explain the nuts-and-bolts of military operations, the finer points of military organization, and the “roads not taken” by soldiers of the past two centuries or so.
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For Further Reading: