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Those who have served in infantry Bn’s rarely suggest smaller Bn’s. Bn’s are reduced in size due to budgetary and manpower concerns with cheap justifications made afterwards. We are all well aware of marketing claims about “new and improved” and “just as good” propaganda while asking: “Why pay more?” Just the logistics of ammunition and wounded are set aside or dismissed by the arm chair warriors. That said:

1. Fire teams of four men

2. Infantry squads of 3 fire teams, squad leader, asst Squad leader drone operator and corpsman. (15)

3 Three squads per platoon (45) one Plt Sgt, Plt leader two radio operators. Three platoons. ( 139)

4. One Platoon of six medium machine guns and three 60mm mortars. 2 section leaders. 4 Marines per Machine gun and per mortar Plt sgt, Radio operator, FD coordinator, Platoon Sergeant. Plt Leader 9 ammo men (59).

5. Company HQ with Company GySgt, First Sergeant, Co XO, Co CO and four messengers. 0ne Arty FO, one FAC five radio operators. (16)

6. Total Company 234

7. Four maneuver Companies 936 Marines

8. One HQ Co. 121

9. One weapons Company. 214 ( AT PLT (44)81mm PLT (106)Sniper Plat (24) heavy MG Plat (40).

Total infantry Bn 1, 281 Marines and Sailors.

This Bn is light enough to move and heavy enough to attack or defend.

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