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1 Mission. On order, Assault Division 78 attacks in sector as the XXXIV Armored Corps’ Main Effort (Schwerpunkt) in order to seize the heights vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski, Nikonovo and Aristovo and deprive Soviet forces the ability to fire upon the Rshev railway. Infantry Division 216 conducts a supporting attack to the south of Assault Division 78 focused on the heights south of Nikonovo and west of Podossinovka. Once the heights have been seized, both divisions transition to the defense to hold the heights against Soviet counterattacks.

2 Concept of the Operation. This is a multi phased operation that begins with:

Phase I - Raids by Motorized Infantry Division 14 (XXXIX Armored Corps) to north of the Ossuga River and the Armored Division 2 in the south. The purpose of this raid is to deceive Soviet forces as to the actual purpose of the operation and reveal Soviet reactions. Intelligence units and all observers (Artillery, scouts and forward units), will take note of the positions of Soviet artillery and mortars (particularly Katyushas, 152mm guns or howitzers, 122mm gun or howitzers, 120mm mortar systems, observers and artillery HQ) observed as well as the reaction, location and any repositioning of Soviet troops. Units will immediately forward information derived from these observations to HQ Artillery Regiment 178 and Assault Division 78 Ic for consolidation and forwarding to XXXIV Armored Corps. Units not tasked as part of the raid, or in support of it, will remain silent in defensive positions.

Phase II - Attack by Assault Division 78 to seize the heights vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski, Nikonovo and Aristovo. This phase starts with a 40 minute preparation fired by Assault Division 78 artillery and heavy mortar units, XXXIV Armored Corps Artillery and Luftwaffe assets (as available). On order, Assault Division 78 begins the attack to seize the heights:

Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+) - Main Effort (Schwerpunkt) attacks to seize Cholm Rogatschevski Heights.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 195 - Follow and Support Assault Regiment 14. On order, attack south to Nikonovo to assist Assault Grenadier Regiment 215

Assault Grenadier Regiment 215 - attack to seize Nikonovo and Aristovo.

Assault Gun Battalion 189 - detach one battery DS to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+). Battalion (-) is Assault Division 78 reserve. Planning priorities, in order, are to attack in support of Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+), attack in support of Assault Grenadier Regiment 215 or counterattack enemy forces penetrating division lines vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski - Nikonovo.

Antitank Battalion 178 - Screen Assault Division 78’s and Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+)’s northern flank. Once the heights are secured, screen Assault Division 78 front vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski - Nikonovo.

Heavy Mortar Battalion 5 - General Support Assault Division 78 during the prep. Once the prep is completed, Direct Support to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+).

Army Anti-Aircraft Battalion 293 - emplace along enemy air avenues of approach with priority to protecting the heavy howitzer battalion and Assault Gun Battalion 189 (-). On order, provide anti-tank support to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+) or Assault Gun Battalion 189 (-).

Phase III - Defensive operations to retain seized terrain and defeat any Soviet counterattacks.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 - Assault Division 78 Main Effort. Reorganize, resupply and position to defend to retain Cholm Rogatschevski Heights.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 195 - Shift south and reorganize, resupply and position to defend to retain heights vicinity Nikonovo. Coordinate closely with Assault Grenadier Regiment 215.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 215 - Reorganize, resupply and position to defend to retain heights vicinity Aristovo. Coordinate closely with Assault Grenadier Regiment 195 and Infantry Division 216.

Assault Gun Battalion 189 - Assault Division 78 reserve. Planning priorities, in order, are counterattack enemy forces penetrating division lines vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski - Nikonovo, counterattack enemy forces penetrating division lines vicinity Cholm Rogatschevski - Vedernikovo.

Antitank Battalion 178 - Screen Assault Division 78 front vicinity Vedernikovo - Cholm Rogatschevski - Nikonovo.

Heavy Mortar Battalion 5 - Provide Direct Support to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14, then Assault Grenadier Regiment 195, Assault Grenadier Regiment 215. Priority shifts to Assault Gun Battalion 189 if committed to counterattack.

Army Anti-Aircraft Battalion 293 - Position along enemy air avenues of approach to defend against air attacks. Priority of support, in order, to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14, Assault Gun Battalion 189 and Heavy Howitzer Battalion. On order, provide anti-tank support as directed.

Assault Division 78 units will also be prepared to assist XXXIV Armored Corps attacks by Armored Division 2.

3 Scheme of Fires:

Phase I - All units General Support to XXXIV Armored Corps during the Corps raid and fire as necessary, otherwise remain silent. Any Assault Division 78 artillery, assault gun or heavy mortar units that fire during this phase will displace to new locations prior to Phase II and will ensure their positions are concealed and hardened to the maximum extent possible.

Phase II -

During the prep, Artillery Regiment 178 - General Support (GS) Assault Division 78 and fire support HQ.

XXXIV Armored Corps Artillery units under Artillery Regiment 178 control, GS Assault Division 78.

All other Assault Division 78 artillery units and Heavy Mortar Battalion 5, GS Assault Division 78 during the prep.

The 40 minute preparation will neutralize Soviet artillery and mortar firing positions (in order: Katyushas, 152mm guns or howitzers, 122mm gun or howitzers, 120mm mortars, observers and artillery HQ), destroy Soviet battalion and regimental HQ and neutralize Soviet infantry positions and heavy weapons. The preparation will begin and end with all units firing on targets. Final rounds fired will be a mix of high explosive and smoke to blind Soviet observers.

Upon completion of the prep, shift to:

Artillery Regiment 178 - General Support (GS) Assault Division 78 and fire support HQ.

XXXIV Armored Corps Artillery units under Artillery Regiment 178 control - GS Assault Division 78. 105mm gun units will shift to interdiction and counter battery fires.

Artillery Regiment 178 Heavy Howitzer Battalion, GS Reinforcing to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 Light Howitzer Battalion.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 195 Light Howitzer Battalion, Reinforcing to

Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 Light Howitzer Battalion.

Assault Grenadier Regiment 215 Light Howitzer Battalion, Direct Support to Assault Grenadier Regiment 215.

During Phase II, priority of fire is to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14 (+), then Assault Grenadier Regiment 215, Antitank Battalion 178 , then to Assault Grenadier Regiment 195. On order, priority shifts to Assault Gun Battalion 189 (-) if committed to a counterattack.

Phase III -

Artillery Regiment 178 - General Support (GS) Assault Division 78 and fire support HQ.

XXXIV Armored Corps Artillery units under Artillery Regiment 178 control - GS Assault Division 78. 105mm gun units will continue interdiction and counter battery fires.

During Phase III, priority of fire is to Assault Grenadier Regiment 14, then Antitank Battalion 178, then Assault Grenadier Regiment 195, then Assault Grenadier Regiment 215, then to Assault Grenadier Regiment 195. On order, priority shifts to Assault Gun Battalion 189 if committed to a counterattack.

Assault Division 78 artillery units will also assist XXXIV Armored Corps attacks by Armored Division 2 if necessary and directed.


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