
That was one hell of an artillery park.

According to Dr Niehorster's website, the 3 units it faced at Amiens, 7. 8. and 10. Panzer, had a total of

50x 75mm Infantry Guns

72x 105mm Howitzers

4x 105mm Guns

8x 155mm Howitzers

at the start of the war

and another battalion (likely 105mm Howitzers) was added to 7. Panzer in June 5th

While this put the Germans in an advantageous position with light artillery, their heavy artillery is dwarfed by the French.

This however does not take into account losses, replacements, and attachments from above.

The Germans also had an advantage in 81mm mortars (24 per French Div vs a total of 70 for the Germans)

Interesting tidbit, since it showed up here:

During Fall Gelb, while a bunch of independent artillery battalions had 2 btys of 155mm Hows and 1 bty of 105mm Guns (like what was proposed all the way back in WWI), the only divisions that had such battalions were 1. Gebirgs, 2. Pz and 8. Pz.

Small nitpick: shouldn't the title be Artillery of the 16th Infantry Division? Or was that in reference to the fact that the division had more battalions of artillery than of infantry (11 vs 9)?

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You are right! The requisite correction has been made.

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