In November of 2023, the Tactical Notebook will publish a number of pieces related to the United States Marine Corps. In December of the same year, our Schwerpunkt will shift to the Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939 to 1940. In January of 2024, we will spill much ink (so to speak) defending the reputations of military men who have suffered unfair treatment at the hands of historians.
The list of articles that I hope to post in the three-month period to come includes:
The Mystery of the Small Wars Manual
Toggling Command at the Battle of Tolvajärvi
The Precocious Procurement of Sir Stanley B. Von Donop
The Triumph of Baron Riedessel
Brigadier Burgoyne
As a retired Marine (35 years) I'm looking forward to the articles related to the United States Marine Corp. Especially now that my beloved Corps is undergoing some questionable changes.